Query Builder

Query Builder is a powerful report writing and data extraction tool that will allow users to create reports from any area within Skyware Systems. These reports can be exported to other applications or used to create mailing labels.

The type of report and information that can be pulled onto a report will depend on the screen that you are on when you access Query Builder.

Accessing The Custom Reports command in the Manager's Reports section of the Reports Area takes you into Query Builder for Skyware Custom Stay Reports, which allows you to create, view, and modify a report using information associated with a guests stay.

The Query Builder screen will open on a new, blank builder screen ready for you to start building your Report.


The Query Builder screen has THREE main sections in a tri-pane set up.

You can choose the field information on the left that you wish to include, and add it to either the Display or Filter sections on the right.

Query Builder screen


In addition, the Query Builder icon is found in the local toolbar on many of the screens in Skyware Systems, allowing you to create a report using the pertinent information contained in the screen you are on.

Query Builder button

Note: The Advanced Search icon is found in the local toolbar on some screens instead of the Query Builder icon, depending on the type of data the screen holds, and is used for generating reports that can be exported to other applications or used to create mailing labels. The Advanced Search icon is found on screens showing lists of information configured by your Property, such as the Users maintenance screen, the Credit Card numbers (assignments) screen, or the Rate Plan Maintenance screen. Clicking on this icon will open either the Query Builder screen or the Advanced Find/Search screen for the specific screen. These two screens are versions of the same (Query Builder) screen and therefore can provide the same function, but for different categories of data. Whether the Query Builder or Advanced Search icon is used to access the screen depends on where you are in the system.

Click on the icon to open the Query Builder screen.


Query Builder screen detail

Once you are in any Query Builder Screen, the local tool bar allows you to retrieve or save a query.

Query Builder local tool bar

It also allows you to return to the previous screen in the main Skyware Systems interface.

NOTE: When creating a Report - it is best to always save the report first and then build it.

All saved Reports can be accessed from the drop-down list in the "Select Query" option in the local tool bar.



You will see that any fields added in the right two panes of the screen have a "live" entry in the field name category.

Click the (blue, underlined) field entry to expand the "Properties for Display Fields" or "Properties for Filter Fields" respectively.

Note: Only ONE can be open at any time; clicking on another field entry will close the currently open one and open the box for the new one.

Clicking the "Save" button INSIDE the Properties box will close it down without opening another.









NOTE: AT ANY POINT you can choose to delete ANY Query you have built, before or after you have saved it, by clicking on the delete button in the local tool bar. A pop up window will appear, asking if you REALLY want to delete your (the currently displayed) Query.

If your query has generated a Report that you will never wish to reproduce, you may choose to do this to avoid generating too long a list of possible queries to select from. HOWEVER if you think you may need the Report again, it is NOT RECOMMENDED that you do this.


Once you have finished creating and generating and exporting your custom Report, you can return to Skyware's Full menu by clicking on the Return button in the local tool bar.

Note: This button is NOT a "back" or "undo" button for the Query Builder. It is your access back to the Skyware system.


Once it has been made, you can reach your custom Report subsequently any time by returning to the Query Builder screen as before and choosing it from the drop-down list of available queries in the Select Query option. From here you can then click either run or file as before, depending on if you wish to view the data on screen or save the contents.


Date Updated November 04, 2021